North Bridge Magazine

SPR-SUM 2012

Launched in 2008, North Bridge Magazine is a twice-yearly publication tailored to Acton, Carlisle, Concord, Lincoln, Sudbury & Wayland residents and edited to enrich the experience of living in six of Massachusetts' most desirable communities.

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good works BY HELAINE BLOCK Participants gathered in a circle moments before the start of the Just 'Cause three-day breast cancer walk last May. Traced footprints of walkers are part of the banner that travels 60 miles. Making a Difference One Step at a Time A fter losing one of my dearest friends to breast cancer at the age of 48, I was determined to support breast cancer research by walking 60 miles in her memory. Finding a cure for this dreadful disease was of utmost importance to Meryl, and I wanted to carry on her mission. Our friendship spanned three decades and, within that time, Meryl and I shared a deeply caring and uncomplicated relation- ship. We met freshman year in college and immediately became close friends after realizing how much we had in common. We both came from close-knit Jewish families, were one of three girls, had a passion for tennis, and a deep love of laughter. Over the years our lives became very busy; Meryl settled on the upper east side of Manhattan while I moved back to Boston. The 200 miles between us did not make a difference, and we remained close as we entered the next chapter of our lives. Meryl was diagnosed in the summer of 2009, and the following spring I traveled to New York City with my youngest daughter to be part of her team in a 3.5-mile Revlon walk supporting the fight 42 ★ north bridge magazine ★ SPRING/SUMMER 2012 against women's cancers. We made our way through Central Park decked out in pink from head to toe, compliments of Meryl's creativ- ity, generosity, and zest for life. In the midst of the walk, I realized that Meryl was not only in a battle for her life, but was passionately determined to help find a cure for others. That was so much like Meryl, always putting others before herself. She put up an incredible fight in the hope of beating the disease, while keeping her life in motion and continuing her job as a beloved principal at a Manhattan special needs school until weeks before her death in early 2011. Shortly after her death, I began my search for a 3-day, 60-mile walk where I could carry on her mission of finding a cure. I was somewhat familiar with the well-known national walks, but was skeptical about how much of the raised funds actually go to med- ical research and direct support of women with breast cancer. If I were to participate and solicit funds from family and friends, I wanted to be certain that 100 percent of the donations went to the cause. PHO TOS B Y BEN DIM ARIO

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